We are all on a journey.

Some journeys

have to be made alone.

At other times, it can be helpful

to journey with a fellow traveler

who understands the nature of

deeper callings, dreams, inner terrain,

and the mysterious process of change.

If you are at a place on your path

where the spiritual companioning

of a fellow traveler would be of service,

let's explore journeying together for a while.

© 2024 / The School of Soft-Attention / Frank Inzan Owen / All Rights Reserved



Contemplative soulwork is a form of spiritual companioning, creative inquiry, and life path exploration. Our work together is held in strict confidentiality. Though I have a graduate degree in counseling psychology and advanced training in psychotherapy, this work is not therapeutic in focus and not intended to serve as a substitute for mental health counseling, psychiatric treatment, addiction or trauma recovery, or other medical care. If, in the process of working together, themes, content, or issues arise that necessitate traditional counseling, psychotherapy, recovery work, or psychiatric services, every effort will be made to connect you with those resources.